Who Is ThekiD™?

My photo
Chicago, Illinios, United States
Hi! I'm Amani aka or bka ThekiD™. I'm currently studying as a web designer and hoping to build up on my own web business later in life. I'm a very cool, loving, and playful character. I love hangin out with pals and new peeps whether it be at my parties or concerts I attend. I happen to be a huge mega fan of music and my love for Lupe Fiasco is infinite. All in all, I see my life as a point of enjoyment and capturing the thrill of excitement and fun for as long as I can grasp. Get to know me or hang with a pal like me if ur ever in the Chi. One love peeps ^_^

Monday, May 30, 2011

My Blogger Mobile Test

Lets give this a try......
A beautiful picture of my baby girl on her 1st birthday

Sunday, March 13, 2011


If you haven't already, please go out and purchase my guy Lupe Fiasco's "L.A.S.E.R.S." album. Show him the love and respect he deserves. It's definitely no "Food & Liqour", full of mainstream-like pop sounds but the message is indeed still floating through. I guess we can expect to hear more Lupe on the radio (Thanx to Atlantic). This is simply something completely new from the others but I will show my guy love regardless seeing that this album is definitely not his fault. I still may bump "Food & Liquor" and "The Cool" a bit more still. FNF UP all day and forever =).....Amani Out!

Japan Tragedy =(

The earth is pissed obviously......

This footage details the historical damage amongst the civilians of Japan after a massive earthquake followed by a horrible tsunami. I wish them the best in a speedy recovery and the souls of the lost to rest in peace. May the gods and goddesses be with u all......

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Good morning peeps! Just about time to chomp down on some cereal =). It's that usual Saturday where I never get my nights off from work. Hopefully someday I will conquer a Sat nite off. Other than that I'm feeling quite good. I need to get back into getting this laundry done after a few failed attempts (all in thanks to my boss keep calling me in early for work). So I'm gonna spend the rest of this hour refueling my body and studying. I've come up with my own little schedule in the works to help benefit myself more when it comes to study time. Lol i may even have to give myself a curfew to wrap things up at nite. I wanted to better myself this year and I'm not gonna give up trying. I will overcome....just watch me. I promise =) Stay tuned.......ThekiD out!

Friday, February 18, 2011

...Man it's been a while

Yes oh yes ThekiD is back after a long hiatus. A lot has happened since I left my blog lol. I have two kids now. Yes the whole time I was away I was preparing myself as a father and yes I'm still here all in one piece =). Like Omgosh soooo soooo sooooo much to share this time around. Its been a long two years away from my blog and it feels damn good to be writing on here again. So follow along with me once again on this wild ride of my life and my continuous journey towards that man I wish to be ^_^.....ThekiD out!